20 September 2006

Proper Spelling of the Family Name

Per Leach:

Just so you all know, I was contacted by the
Vanmandalayeeeeeeebays (this is the proper spelling,
by the way - the e's are silent) and they've issued a
cease and desist order (while insisting we are all
valuable customers) and have a warrant out for a
giant, three armed gorilla that evidently punched one
of their younger clan members in the chin early
saturday morning. The warrant mentions something about
pink drool and "putting this whole thing together",
which I thought was an insult to JG's brillian
logistical and tactical skills.

Fuck them.

18 September 2006

The blood has dried

Allow my to introduce myself. My name is Nigel Van Mandalay-Bay, Esq. III, DDS and this is my Web Log (blog, if you will).

Sorry for the row the other night, gents. I certainly meant no offense, but clearly deserved your scorn. The welt I received from a Mr. Leach? I believe is healing nicely thank you very much.

So let's have at it, shall we and get to know each other a bit better. This will be a forum to further explore my family background (English with a trace of Dutch, but there's a rich history in which to delve), my position at the casino, my interests, the true story of how I came to be at Mr. Brown's room at 2 a.m. on Friday night, my various professional degrees (my most recent from Her Royal Majesty's College of Gums and Teeth), etc. etc. etc.

I'm still recovering from that fateful night--head still isn't altogether clear at this point. So I defer to you, gents; post away.